Tuesday, October 27, 2015
SEP #3
The main reason he does this is because the Flash. They in a sense to me is completing each other. Both of them are speedsters. Both of them have their own source of power (one from speedforce, one from negative-speed force). And both of them hate each other. The Flash took something away from him, he took it back from Flash, it's like that. Always like that. Until one of them decided to finish it.
After all movie (the animated ones) that have Eobard as the main villain. I concluded that he is a sick man. Because his feelings when he kills a man or erasing someone from the timeline, is nothing. Like a life is nothing. What he really cares is he gets the Flash and that's it. His only purpose to become the Reverse flash is his hatred to the Flash. It's really confusing about this one. He is both psychothic and sociopathic. I can't decide which one.
But the conclusion that i have is, he is the reverse of the Flash. He is the everything opposite from the Flash.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Untuk yang belum mengetahui, pada hari selasa dan rabu kemarin. Jenjang smp semipalar melakukan kegiatan tahunan kami, yaitu pameran. Pada pameran kali kali ini, ada 3 kegiatan utama yang dilaksanakan. Yaitu ada presentasi untuk kelas 7-8 dan ada kegiatan nyapa atau nyarita pengalaman selama kelas 9 khusus untuk kelas 9. Dan tentu saja jangan lupakan kegiatan utamanya, yaitu pameran. Untuk yang mungkin penasaran bagaimana kita melakukan senua ini, akan saya beritahu sedikit informasi mengenai kegiatan itu sekarang.
Presentasi: Di kegiatan presentasi ini ada 2 kegiatan utama. Yaitu dari kelas 7 dan kelas 8. Kelas 7 melakukan sensing kota bandung atau mencari masalah yang ada di kota bandung terkait pengindraan yang ada. Seperti penglihatan, pendengaran dan lain-lain. Mereka melakukannya dengan cara outing ke fasilitas fasilitas yang ada di Bandung. Sedangkan untuk kelas 8, mereka membuat peraturan daerah. Caranya mereka membuat peraturan daerah adalah dengan mencari sumber permasalahan sebanyak mungkin dan menciptakan peraturan supaya masalah-masalah yang ada tidak terjadi lagi.
Nyapa: Kegiatan nyapa yang khusus untuk kelas 9 ini cukup spesial. Karena dari semua jenjang smp yang ada, hanya kelas 9 yang ada kegiatan khusus ini. Pada intinya, kegiatan ini menceritakan tentang semua yang telah kita jalani selama kelas 9 dengan kakak. Untuk memudahkan kita mengingat semua yang ada, kita diberi binder besar bantex berisi catatan kegiatan kami. Dari bantex ini nanti ketahuan siapa yang catatannya tidak lengkap dan mana yang catatannya lengkap.
Pameran: nah, disini tentu saja adalah kegiatan utamanya. Pameran kali ini dan mungkin seterusnya digelar di lokasi kelas 9. Disini kita mengubah layout kelas khusus untuk pameran kali ini. Banyak karya dari teman teman kelas 7, 8, dan 9 dijejerkan disini. Karya mereka semuanya berhubungan dengan tema besar, seperti kelas 7 Bandung, kelas 8 jawa, dan kelas 9 nusantara. Dari kelas 7 ada 1 karya yang tidak ada hubungannya, yaitu karya bahasa inggris. Semua yang ada disini sudah karya yang jadi. Kecuali kelas 9, dimana karya mereka ada 1 yang belum selesai, telusur etnik namanya.
Ya, sampai disini dulu, sampai ketemu kembali di lain waktu dan lain tempat. Selamat tinggal!!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
SEP #2
Well, to be honest, I don't really know Mr.J a lot. All i know about him is that he is a mad man. But, after research and a lot of time spent to read his comic and all. I pretty understand almost everything about him.
When we see him, we only see pure mental ill. But the way he sees us, the society. He sees a game. His personal goal is to control people or at least drove them mad. There is a reason why'd he pick joker as his name and he dressed like a clown. Well one, the joker is like the most useless card in deck, it's always give a pack of surprise and thus, making it unpredictable. And two, he dresses like a clown because he's there not to make people laugh, but to make himself laugh. That is from his appearence.
Now from his mind. The joker sees people as a game. And, the only way for him to win is by controlling other people. Their people. The gameplay, is by giving them the right circumstances where their will is finally broken. If someone do that, he wins. That simple. But, it's not always through the method of sadism, sometimes he could give a man that a fatalist a hope in life. Or an optimist everything that will make him negative. He can see your self, and that way, he can break you. He has the ability to turn normal people to a 360 degree angle from their normal side. And his real happines is from the joy of knowing how easy it is to predict people. How predictable people are.
Most people sees Joker as the opposite from the bat, well if we look more closer, the bat is actually more closer to joker. It's because they both manipulate people in almost the same way. Through fear. And both of them are "crazy" from the normal people. It's because they are crazy that's it.
So, the conclusion are, Joker is a really really crazy person. He is unpredictable, vandalist, and a really scary dude to meet. He is not for your entertainment but you are his entertainment.
So, this is SEP log #2
More Joker scary picture
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
[SEP] #1
Well, maybe most of you curious about this topic. Well, i'm curious too. The reason why i am really really curious about this is why do they do it. Just that, why do they do it. But they all can say a lot of things about why do they do it. What i want to do is dig their inner mind. The really reason of why do they do it. It always makes me wonder you know. That why do they do it.
This is the mind map that i created about what will i search and publish.
This project itself presented by my headmaster/ english teacher. This project show my inner self. the things that i love. I love comic book superheroes and mind about people. So why not both? And this project is like all the things that i love. and i think this project will be turned out to be a great one.
What i am planning to do in this project is to search all their story and origins. I also will seek a psychologist to discuss about them. And if i can, i want to e-mail the writers about this. Because all writers have different interpretation about the characters that they write.
So this is SEP #1! Enjoy it weekly!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Imggris lagi!
Pos bahasa inggris!
On this post. I would like to give you a comment about a book. Of course it's not the book. But rather, an article of the book. The article is from a magazine. Its reader
The article is from reader's digest. The article is about the secret truth behind the gun industries. The fact that the gun industries has hid from us. To me, this kind of information is pretty useful. But, because Indonesia is a country with a strict gun control, it's not really useful here. But, the information itself is entertaining for me. Because i'm an enthusiastic fact seeker. Anything that has facts written on the title is fun for me. The serets is pretty scary. Because it even involve innocent people and children too. And anything that involves children is to me, a bad thing. They market targets are underge children and women. This open my eyes a little bit about the gun controls and the gun industry.
Monday, August 31, 2015
Pos bahsa Inggris!
So, a guy commented about the dark knight rises movies. And he said that the movie is too much drama and Bane's origin is not quite explained. So, this is approximately, my reply to him.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Jika aku menjadi Purnawarman
Sebuah diskusi di De Vries. 30/4/2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
pertemuan bersama seorang pengembara
Fishbowl 3
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Fish Bowl-2
Pertemuan bersama seorang petualang
-Foto bersama kami dengan Opa Felix-
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Emotional Spectrum.
Kuning: Kuning merupakan lambang dari Ketakutan. Kuning adalah warna dasar untuk Sinestro Corps, sebuah kesatuan Lantern yang dibuat oleh mantan Green Lantern, Thaal Sinestro. Sinestro Corps membutuhkan energi dari ketakutan makhluk yang sedang ia geluti untuk membuat konstruk kuning. Keunikan dari cincin kuning adalah, mereka butuh ketakutan untuk berfungsi secara aktif. Sumber dari ketakutan bisa berasal darimana saja, bisa dari ketakutan yang ia tanamkan ke musuhnya atau ketakutan dari anggotanya sendiri.
Hijau: Hijau adalah warna dari Keinginan. Hijau juga warna dasar dari untuk Green Lantern Corps, kesatuan Lantern yang paling terkenal dan polisi inter-galaksi. Mereka didirikan oleh Guardians of the Universe. Warna hijau adalah sumber dari segala warna, karena mereka bisa digunakan untuk melawan dan menjaga emosi seseorang. Mereka membutuhkan kekuatan keinginan untuk membuat konstruk berwarna hijau.
Violet: Violet adalah warna dari cinta. Violet adalah dasar dari Star Sapphire Corps. Mereka adalah satu-satunya Lantern yang seluruh anggotanya terdiri dari Wanita saja. Mereka membutuhkan kekuatan dari cinta untuk membuat konstruk Cinta. Star Sapphire Corps dibuat untuk menyebarkan cinta ke seluruh alam semesta. Mereka dapat membuat benang cinta untuk menyatukan hati seseorang, mereka juga bisa merubah anggota Lantern lain menjadi anggota mereka dengan menjebaknya ke dalam kristal khusus yang lama-kelamaan akan merubah mereka menjadi Star Sapphire Corps. Karena warna Violet ada di ujung dari Emotional Spectrum, maka Violet akan mempengaruhi penggunanya dengan lebih kuat, sama seperti warna merah.
art by WAC deviantart.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Blue Lantern
Sumpah dari Blue Lantern:
"In Fearful day, in racing night
With strong hearts full our souls Ignite
When all seems lost in the war of light
look to the stars for hope burns bright"
-Ganthet dan Sayd-
Monday, January 19, 2015
10 Hero Fiksi-terusan
Peristiwa Singaparna
Sunday, January 18, 2015
My Blog address is dan8aji.blogspot.com because when i created this blog, i have no idea what address it should be. so i use the Google advise to use this address.
my blog name is area zero because this is really an area with zero mass, speed, or anything. it have no base because it is mobile. The only limitation of this blog that is, it had to have an internet connection. Otherwise, nothing can acces this "area zero" except it had cookies in it.
thank you for reading this subject.